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About Gallery RYOKUSUIDO

Gallery RYOKUSUIDO が大切にしているのは、「人の道を月明りのように照らして応援するもの」をご紹介したいという想いです。
What Gallery RYOKUSUIDO values is the desire to introduce "things that illuminate the way of people like the moonlight and support them."
In addition to traditional antique works of art, we aim to create relationships with artists and workshops, select the ones that we resonate with, and handle works that support everyone's hearts even in a small way.
Furthermore, I would like to actively introduce attractive Japanese works and artists overseas, taking advantage of the fact that I have a strong relationship with overseas. Although it is still the beginning of a new attempt, I would like to make an effort to realize it as much as possible by valuing connecting ties, supporting the heart, and enjoying myself.

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